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第一章 总则

第一条 为保障学校依法办学和自主管理,维护师生的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》及《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》等法律法规和规章,结合学校实际,制定本章程。

第二条 伊人影院在线看简称为“福建师大”;英文名称为Fujian Normal University,英文缩写为“FNU”。

第三条 学校注册地址为福建省福州市仓山区上三路8号。校本部设有旗山校区和仓山校区。学校可根据需要设立和调整校区及校址。

第四条 学校由福建省人民政府举办,福建省人民政府对学校进行宏观指导、依法监督,为学校提供办学经费,保障办学的基本条件,支持学校依照法律、法规和学校章程自主办学,保护学校的合法权益。

  第五条 学校是以公益性为目的的高等教育事业单位法人,以人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承创新为基本职能,面向社会自主办学,依法接受上级教育行政部门的管理、监督与考核,履行办学职责。

第六条 学校实行中国共产党伊人影院在线看委员会领导下的校长负责制,坚持党委领导、校长负责、教授治学、民主管理。

第七条 学校坚持社会主义办学方向,以立德树人为根本任务,开展教书育人、管理育人、服务育人,着力培养富有社会责任感、创新精神和实践能力的高素质人才。

第八条 学校坚持“学术立校、特色兴校、人才强校”战略,推进“教学改革、科技创新、学科提升、开放办学、文化引领、科学治理”工程,实施办学质量与创新能力提升计划,努力提升综合实力和办学水平。

第九条 学校强化教师教育特色,做强做优教师教育,积极服务基础教育发展,着力办成国内基础教育改革的实验区、教育决策咨询的思想库和培养高素质教师的摇篮。

第二章 办学活动


第十一条 学校实施普通高等教育,适当开展继续教育、网络教育及其他形式的学历和非学历教育。


 第十二条 学校根据国家和福建经济社会发展需要,依法设置和调整学科、专业,合理确定办学规模,拟订招生计划和方案,按照“公开、公平、公正、择优”的原则录取学生。


第十三条 学校依法颁发学业证书和学位证书。执行国家学位制度,依法授予学士、硕士、博士学位。

第十四条 学校积极开展科学研究,建立健全科学评价体系,鼓励协同创新和自由探索相结合,推动学术进步、科技创新和成果转化。

第十五条 学校坚持开放办学,开展宽领域、多渠道、高层次的国际交流合作,积极拓展对外合作办学,打造汉语国际教育品牌,提高国际化办学水平。

第十六条 学校发挥闽台合作交流优势,着力先行先试,深化合作办学,拓展对台研究,提升交流合作水平,努力成为海峡两岸教育、科技、文化交流合作的前沿重镇和重要平台。

第十七条 学校依托深厚的办学文化底蕴和人文学科优势,大力推动文化传承创新,培育具有学校特色和风格的文化品牌,服务国家和地方文化繁荣发展。


第一节 领导体制和组织机构

第十八条 中国共产党伊人影院在线看委员会是学校的领导核心,履行党章等规定的各项职责,把握学校发展方向,决定学校重大问题,监督重大决议执行,支持校长依法独立负责地行使职权,保证以人才培养为中心的各项任务完成。其主要职责是:













  第十九条 校长是学校法定代表人和主要行政负责人,在学校党委领导下,贯彻党的教育方针,组织实施学校党委有关决议,行使高等教育法等规定的各项职权,全面负责教学、科研、行政管理工作。其主要职责是:












第二十条 学校重大决策、重要干部任免、重大项目安排和大额度资金的使用等重大问题,必须经集体研究决定。

第二十一条 中国共产党伊人影院在线看纪律检查委员会是学校的党内监督机构,在学校党委和上级纪委的领导下,围绕学校中心工作,检查党的路线、方针、政策、决议及学校重大决策的执行情况,协助校党委加强党风廉政建设和组织协调反腐倡廉工作,保障和促进学校各项事业科学发展。

第二十二条 学校设立董事会,董事会为学校的咨询议事机构,由学校举办者、校领导、资助学校办学的董事单位、著名校友、社会贤达、校外著名专家等组成,依据其章程组织开展学校办学重大事项的咨询、筹措办学资金、与外部联系等活动。

第二十三条 学校各民主党派、统战团体和无党派人士联谊会依据各自的章程开展活动。

第二十四条 校工会是教职工自愿结合的群众组织。校工会接受学校党委和上级工会的领导,按照《中华人民共和国工会法》和《中国工会章程》履行职责。工会组织按照民主集中制原则建立。工会委员会由会员大会或者会员代表大会民主选举产生。

第二十五条 校团委是学校先进青年的群众组织。校团委接受学校党委和上级团组织的领导,依据其章程开展工作,履行职责。

第二十六条 学校本着“精简、高效、合理、规范”的原则,自主设置党务管理、行政管理职能部门和公共服务机构,决定其职责配置。

第二十七条 学校设立若干独立建制的研究院(所、中心),以及其他管理及学术机构,承担相应的人才培养、科学研究、社会服务和国际交流合作等任务。

第二十八条 学校附属的具有独立法人资格的单位和其他组织,依照法律法规和学校规定实行相对独立运营与管理,承担相应的法律责任。


第二十九条 学校根据人才培养和学科建设等的需要设置若干学院,并可根据需要进行调整。


第三十条 学院经校党委批准,设立相应党委(党总支),其主要职责如下:







第三十一条 院长是学院行政主要负责人,根据相关法律法规和学校章程,履行以下职责:









第三十二条 学院实行党政联席会议决策制度。党政联席会议由党委(党总支)书记、院长、副书记、副院长、工会主席组成,可根据需要由学院党政主要负责人研究确定相关人员列席会议。党政联席会议根据其议事规则讨论决定人才培养、科学研究、学科建设、师资队伍建设、思想政治工作和行政管理等学院重要事务。

第三十三条 学院可成立教授委员会,从具有正高级专业技术职务人员中推荐或选举产生,根据章程行使专业设置、学科建设、教师评聘、学术评价、教学指导等事项的评议职能。


第三十四条 学校学术委员会是学校最高学术机构,统筹行使对学校学术事务的咨询、评定、审议和决策权。学校学术委员会根据需要设立教学工作委员会、科研工作委员会、聘任委员会等专门委员会。

第三十五条 学术委员会一般由不同学科、专业的教授及具有正高级专业技术职务的人员组成,并应当有一定比例的青年教师。其中,担任学校及职能部门党政领导职务的委员,不超过委员总人数的1/4;不担任党政领导职务及学院主要负责人的专任教授,不少于委员总人数的1/2



















第三十六条 学校设立校教学工作委员会,负责教学重要事项的审议工作;设立科研工作委员会,负责科研的决策咨询、评议、评审和协调工作;设立聘任委员会,负责全校专业技术职务聘任和各级各类岗位聘用工作。上述专门委员会依据学校学术委员会审定的章程开展工作。

第三十七条 学术委员会及专门委员会由主任委员主持,应有三分之二以上委员出席方可举行,列席人员由会议主持人确定邀请;议事决策遵循少数服从多数的原则,重大事项应当以与会委员的三分之二以上同意方为通过。

第三十八条 学校依法设置学位评定委员会,行使学位事务的决策、审议等职权。其主要职责是:










第三十九条 教职工代表大会是教职工依法参与学校民主管理和监督的基本形式。校教职工代表大会接受校党委领导,按规定程序行使职权,支持校长依法行使管理职权。教职工代表大会以校工会作为工作机构,并由校工会与选举产生的执行委员会共同承担其职责。

第四十条 教职工代表大会代表由学校全体教职工依法选举产生。教职工代表大会由主席团主席主持,须有三分之二以上教职工代表大会代表出席方可召开。教职工代表大会的选举和表决,须经代表总数半数以上通过方为有效。教职工代表大会的职权是:











第四十一条 学校在各学院等单位建立健全二级教职工代表大会制度。二级教职工代表大会接受本单位党委的领导,在校工会和教代会执委会的指导下,参照校教职工代表大会职权,参与本单位民主管理与监督。

第四十二条 学生会、研究生会是学生在校党委领导、校团委指导下,开展自我管理、自我服务、自我教育的群众性组织,是学生行使民主权利和参与学校民主管理的重要形式。学生代表大会、研究生代表大会一般每一至二年举行一次,应当有三分之二以上当选代表参加方能召开,代表大会进行选举和通过决议实行表决制。学生代表大会、研究生代表大会行使下列职权:









第四十三条 学校支持学生代表大会、研究生代表大会通过各种合法渠道,反映学生的建议、意见和诉求,参与学校的民主管理,维护学生的正当权益。学校涉及学生利益的重大决定,应召开听证会或邀请学生会主席、研究生会主席列席学校党委常委会或校长办公会议。


四十四 学校教职员工由专任教师、教辅人员、管理人员和工勤人员等组成。

第四十五条 师是学校办学的主体力量,学校尊重和爱护教师,为教师开展教学科研等活动提供必要的条件和保障。

第四十六条 学校教职员工享有下列权利:









第四十七条 学校教职员工应履行下列义务:







四十八 学校引入人才竞争机制,科学定编定岗,完善干部、人事和劳动制度。

第四十九条 学校推动人事管理改革,实施专业技术人员职务聘任制,结合岗位设置与聘用管理,对教职员工履行岗位职责进行考核,考核结果作为对其聘任、晋升和奖惩的依据。

  第五十条 学校成立教师伦理委员会,规范教师职业行为,促进教师树立高尚的师德。

第五十一条 学校加强离退休老同志服务管理工作,落实老同志的政治待遇和生活待遇,充分发挥老同志的重要作用。

第五十二条 学校建立听证会、论证会、校领导接待日等制度,听取教职工的意见和建议。

第五十三条 学校建立与发展水平相适应的教职员工薪酬体系,建立和健全教职员工权利保护机制。教职工对学校处理或处分决定有异议的,可向校教职工申诉委员会提出申诉。学校按照申诉受理、事实调查、审议决定的程序处理教职工申诉。 


第五十四条 学生是指按照国家招生规定被学校录取、取得入学资格、具有学校学籍的受教育者。

第五十五条 学生享有下列权利:








第五十六条 学生应履行下列义务:







第五十七条 学校完善学生管理制度,建立完善全员育人机制,服务学生成长成才。

第五十八条 学校引导学生养成珍爱生命、尊重人权、尊敬师长、诚实守法、互帮互助、爱护自然、热心公益的良好品德。

第五十九条 学校关心学习或生活困难的学生,并为其健康成长提供必要的帮助。

第六十条 学校对取得突出成绩和为学校争得荣誉的学生集体或个人进行表彰奖励。表彰和奖励采取授予荣誉集体或个人称号、颁发奖金等多种形式。

第六十一条 学校对违法、违纪学生给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分。学生对学校的处分或者处理决定有异议的,可在规定时间内向校学生申诉处理委员会提出申诉,受到留校察看及以上处分或认为重大权益受到侵害的学生,可以要求听证。

第六十二条 学生可按照有关规定在校内组织学生社团,依照法律和学校规定开展活动。


第六十三条 学校校友包括在学校及前身校学习、进修、工作过以及获得学校名誉教授、客座教授、兼职教授等各种荣誉职衔的中外各界人士。

第六十四条 学校以多种方式联系和服务校友,为校友的事业发展和继续教育提供便利和条件。


第六十五条 学校设立校友会。校友会依其章程开展活动,为校友提供服务,团结和凝聚海内外校友力量,共同支持学校的发展。


第六十六条 学校依法多渠道筹措资金,努力增加办学经费。学校的经费来源包括:财政拨款、上级补助收入、事业收入、经营收入、社会捐助和其他收入。

第六十七条 学校执行《高等学校财务制度》,实行统一领导、集中核算、分级管理的财务管理体制。学校坚持勤俭办学,建立健全财务预算、内部控制、经济责任和审计监督等监督制度,依法公开财务信息,保证资金运行安全,提高资金使用效益。

第六十八条 学校设立教育基金会,接受社会各界、企事业单位及个人的捐赠。学校遵循自愿捐赠的原则,坚持专款(物)专用、账目公开,自觉接受社会监督,充分发挥基金使用效能。

第六十九条 学校资产主要来源于国家划拨、学校合法收入及接受捐赠等渠道形成的资产,包括固定资产、流动资产、在建工程、无形资产和对外投资等。学校对拥有的资产,享有占有、使用以及依照国务院有关规定收益处分的权利。


第七十条 学校依据国家法律法规和学校有关规定,加强对学校专利权、商标权、著作权、土地使用权、校名校誉等的管理,维护学校的合法权益和良好形象。

第七十一条 学校建立健全后勤管理和服务体系,为广大师生员工的学习、工作和生活提供保障。

第七十二条 学校大力加强基础设施建设,提升校园信息化水平,致力建设具有浓郁学术氛围和人文气息的绿色现代和谐校园。

第八章 外部关系

第七十三条 学校依据国家法律、法规及本章程的规定,自主管理内部事务,不受任何组织和个人的非法干涉。

第七十四条 学校主动接受社会监督和评价,主动实行信息公开制度,按规定及时向社会发布办学相关信息。

第七十五条 学校充分利用办学资源,提供多样化的教育服务,服务终身教育体系和学习型社会建设。

第七十六条 学校主动服务国家和区域经济社会发展,大力开展科技推广服务和决策咨询服务,努力成为高质量成果转化、高层次咨询服务和高水平社会服务的重要基地。

第七十七条 学校实行法律顾问制度。法律顾问为学校提供法律咨询;接受学校委托,处理或协助处理学校的有关法律事务。

第九章 学校标识

第七十八条 学校校徽包括徽志和徽章。



第七十九条 学校校歌是《伊人影院在线看校歌》,夏冬、常祁作词,章绍同作曲。

第八十条 学校校旗旗面为红色长方形。旗面正中缀中英文校名。校名文字颜色为黄色。

第八十一条 学校校庆日为每年1117日。

第八十二条 学校的网址是www.fjnu.edu.cn


  第八十三条 学校的分立、合并与终止,由举办者福建省人民政府决定。

第八十四条 本章程向学校教职工代表大会征求意见后,经校长办公会议讨论通过,由校党委常委会议讨论审定,报福建省教育厅核准和教育部备案。

第八十五条 章程是学校活动的基本准则,学校的管理条例、办法及实施细则等均须依照章程制定,不得与章程相抵触。

第八十六条 学校办学宗旨、发展目标、举办与管理体制等重大事项发生变化时,应当依法对章程进行修订,并报福建省教育厅核准和教育部备案。

第八十七条 本章程由校党委常委会议负责解释。

第八十八条 本章程经福建省教育厅核准后,自公布之日起颁布施行。


The Constitution of FujianNormalUniversity


Fujian Normal University (FNU) is one of the earliest normal universities inChina. Its predecessor, Fukien Normal College, was founded in 1907 by Chen Bao Shen, a Qing Dynasty emperor’s teacher. In 1953, Fujian Normal College came into being on the merger of Hwnan Women’s College, Fukien Christian University, Fukien Specialized Postsecondary Normal College, Fukien Academy, FukienLaw-and-Politics Specialized College, National College of Coastal Territory and FuzhouUniversity. In 1972, FujianNormalCollege was renamed Fujian Normal University. In 2003, the University was designated as one of the key institutions of higher education in Fujian. In 2012, it was honored as the university co-supported by the Fujian provincial government and the Ministry of Education. In 2014, it was further designated as a high-level university for key-construction in Fujian.

Carrying forward the glorious tradition of patriotism, dedication, and teachers as role models, the University practices the motto of “to know and to act, with devotion and with aspiration”, honors a pledge to “teach earnestly, study diligently, seek truth and promote innovation,” and highlights the characteristics of teacher education. Training talents, promoting academic research, serving community, and perpetuating civilization – these are the University’s vigorous commitments to building a high-level comprehensive university with distinctive features.


Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 The Constitution is formulated in accordance with the practical conditions of the University andThe Education Law of the People’s Republic of China,The Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China,The Temporal Policies of Enacting Regulations for Institutions of Higher Education and other related laws and regulations. The purpose of the Constitution is to guarantee the law-based running and autonomy of the University.

Article 2“伊人影院在线看” is abbreviated as“福建师大”. Its English version is “FujianNormalUniversity”, abbreviated as “FNU”.

Article 3 The registered address of the University is No. 8, Shangsan Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou, Fujian. Its two main campuses are Qishan Campus and Cangshan Campus. The University shall be entitled to set up and adjust its campuses and locations to meet its needs.

Article 4Fujian Provincial People’s Government, the sponsor of the University, shall provide responsible for the macro-guidance for the running of the University, enforce law supervision, provide school funds, guarantee the basic operating conditions of the University, support the authorities in running the University independently according to laws, regulations and the University’s Constitution, and protect the legal rights and interests of the University.

Article 5 The University shall be an institution identified as a legal person for higher education with public welfare being its ultimate aim. Its basic functions cover talents training, scientific research, society service, cultural inheritance and innovation, and independent operation to meet social needs and demands. It shall run the University independently and open to society, accepting the administration, supervision and evaluation from the education departments of higher authorities by law.

Article 6 The University shall practice the system whereby the President takes overall responsibilities under the leadership of the University Committee of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the leadership of the CPC of the University, with the President taking overall responsibilities, professors governing academic affairs, and faculty, staff and students participating in democratic management.

Article 7 The University shall adhere to socialism, devote itself to the basic tasks of moral education and talents training, and educate students through teaching, management and services, trying its best to cultivate high-quality talents with social conscience, innovating spirit and practical ability.

Article 8 The University shall adhere to the strategy of “academic pursuit as cornerstone, special features as relish, and talented personnel as enhancer”, promote the projects of “teaching reform, scientific innovation, disciplinary development, open education, cultural guidance and scientific management”, implement the upgrading plans in education quality and innovation capability, and strive to enhance the overall strength and level of the University.

Article 9The University shall highlight the characteristics of teacher education, by way of providing stronger and better teacher training programs and an active service for the development of basic education, so as to make the University an experimental plot forChina’s basic education, a think tank for decision-making in education, as well as a cradle of future quality teachers.


Chapter IITeaching and Learning


Article 10 The University shall entrench the central position of personnel training, further the reform in education and teaching, innovate the training mode, intensify the educational characteristics of “solid foundation, heavy practice, growing innovation, and stronger ability”, thus effectively improving the quality of talents training.

Article 11The University shall provide programs of general higher education, complemented by continuing education, online education, and degree and non-degree education in other forms.

The major education forms of the University are those of full-time degrees, notably undergraduate and graduate educations. The University shall determine and adjust by law the lengths of schooling for degree education.

Article 12 The University shall, with a view to catering to the needs of economic and social development of the State and Fujian Province, establish and adjust, in accordance to laws, disciplines and programs, determine the number of students, make admission plans, and enroll students by the principle of being “open, fair, just, and meritocratic”.

The University shall provide disciplines and programs covering philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, management, and arts.

Article 13The University shall,authorized by law, issue academic certificates and degree certificates and, adhering to the national degree system, confer bachelor, master, doctorate degrees.

Article 14The University shall vigorously conduct scientific research, establish and upgrade a scientific evaluation system, encouraging the combination of collaborative innovation and free exploration and promoting academic progress, scientific and technological innovation, as well as the economic and cultural transformation of research findings.

Article 15The University shall adhere to the practice of open education, carrying out international exchanges and cooperation at high levels in a wide range of fields and channels, raising the level of internationalization of higher education by actively expanding cooperation with foreign countries and establishing an international brand in teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages.

Article 16The University shall take advantage of cooperation and exchange between Fujian and Taiwan, striving to make some antecedent efforts to further cooperation in education, to expand the studies on Taiwan, and to enhance the level of exchanges and cooperation, so that the University will become a frontier stronghold and an important platform for cross-strait cooperation in education, science, technology, and culture.

Article 17Relying on itsadvantages and merits of a rich cultural heritage and strong humanities, the University shall vigorously promote cultural heritance and innovation, creating culture brands with characteristics of the University, thus contributing to the development and prosperity of national and local cultures.


Chapter III Governance and Administrative System

Section 1 System of Leadership and Organizational Structure

Article 18 Fujian Normal University Committee of the Communist Party of China is the core of leadership of the University, performing duties stipulated by the Constitution of the CPC and other relevant documents, navigating the orientation of the University’s development, deciding on major issues of administration, supervising over the implementation of resolutions and decisions over major issues, and supporting the President in performing power and duties independently, responsibly and legally, so as to ensure the fulfillment of the University’s missions with the cultivation of talents as its core. The chief duties of the CPC ofthe Universityare stated as follows:

1. The CPC ofthe Universityshall adhere to the Party’s lines, principles and policies, particularly in implementing the Party’s policies concerning education and stick to the principles of taking socialist orientation and managing the University by law, strengthening moral education and regarding the faculty, staff and students as reliable force in running the University, so as to educate students morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, and to make them qualified contributors and reliable successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

2. The CPC of the University shall discuss and decide on major issues regarding the reform, development, stability, teaching, research, and administration of the University as well as the establishment of a fundamental management system of the University.

3. The CPC of the University shall, according to the principle of the Party exercising leadership over cadre affairs, undertake the responsibility of selecting, training, nurturing, assessing and supervising the cadres within its cadre-managing authority, review and decide on the establishment of the University’s subordinate bodies and the selection of their leaders, nominate the candidates for the leadership of the University and recommend reserve cadres in conformity to an appropriate procedure, and carry out its duty in the affairs of the retired staff as well.

4. The CPC of the University shall be involved in reviews and decision-making of the University’s strategic plans and major policies regarding the recruitment and development of academic and professional staff, with a view to innovating the institutional system, optimizing the conditions, and coordinating the overall procedures for attracting all types of talents and helping the academic and professional development of the staff.

5. The CPC of the University shall exercise leadership over political, ideological and moral work in the University, striving to equip the faculty and staff and students with the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to cultivate and practice the socialist core values. It shall take a strong hold of the rights of leadership, management and authority over ideological issues, maintaining the security and stability of the University and promoting the development of a harmonious campus.

6. The CPC of the University shall be involved in the enrichment of cultural life on campus with a view to enhancing the role of culture in education and creating excellent disciplinary, academic and professional atmosphere in the University.

7. The CPC of the University shall strengthen its leadership over its basic-level Party organizations in colleges and other divisions, making effort to recruit new Party members and to educate, manage and serve all the Party members in a good manner. It shall also improve intra-Party democracy, giving to full play the role of basic-level Party organizations as militant bastions and of Party members as examples and vanguards of the Party. In the meanwhile, the CPC of the University shall enhance its own development in all aspects.

8. The CPC of the University shall exercise leadership over the Party discipline inspection in the University, assuming responsibilities for improving the Party conduct, upholding integrity and developing a preventive and punishing system against corruption.

9. The CPC of the University shall exercise leadership over such people’s organizations as the University’s Labor Union, Communist Youth League,Committee for the Care of Next Generation, Youth Federation, Students’ Union, and Graduates’ Union as well as the Faculty and StaffCongress (FSC). It shall also perform its function in the work of the united front.

10. The CPC of the University shall be involved in the discussion and decision-making of other important matters concerning the benefits of students, faculty and staff.

The Plenary Session of the University’s CPC shall, as the leading body when the University Party Members Congress is not in session, perform its power and function of leadership in the University’s management. The Plenary Session is to be convened by the Standing Committee of the University’s CPC with the presence of at least two thirds of the total number of its members. In the case of a voting procedure, the voting result shall be accepted and approved if and only if the number of those voting in favor exceeds half of the quorum.

The Standing Committee shall be in charge of the Party’s routine work. A meeting of the Standing Committee can be held when and only when at least half of its members are present and, regarding such important decisions as the appointment and removal of certain cadres, a meeting can be held when and only when at least two thirds of its members are present. In the case of a voting procedure, the voting result shall be accepted and approved if and only if the number of those voting in favor exceeds half of the quorum. The Standing Committee shall be convened and chaired by its general secretary. Required to attend any such meeting are the non-voting administrative leaders of the University who are not members of the Standing Committee, the heads of the General Affairs Office, the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Planning and Development Division. Other non-voting attendees are to be specified as occasions require.

Article 19ThePresident shall be the legal person of the University and responsible to the University for administration. Under the leadership of the CPC of the University, the President shall implement the educational policies of the Party, ensure the implementation of the decisions made by the Standing Committee, exercise the rights and perform the duties as stipulated in theThe Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China, and shall be held responsible for the whole of teaching and learning, academic research and administrative management. The President’s major duties shall be stated as follows.

1. The President shall organize the mapping-out and implementation of the plans for the development of the University, the fundamental management system, major measures for teaching and research reforms, the plans for allocation of resources, concrete rules and regulations, and annual work plans.

2. The President shall organize the mapping-out and implementation of the plans for the internal organizing structure of the University and, authorized by the State law and other regulations governing the selection of leaders, nominate vice presidents and appoint or remove the heads of various divisions in the internal structure.

3. The President shall organize the mapping-out and implementation of the plans for the career development of talents, for the major “talent projects” and, according to relevant rules and regulations, shall be responsible for the construction of teacher teams and for the employment and dismissal of teachers and other staff members.

4. The President shall organize the mapping-out and implementation of the plans for major basic constructions as well as annual budgeting, and shall enforce financial management and its examination and supervision to protect the resources of the University.

5. The President shall organize teaching and learning activities and academic research so as to promote cultural transmission and innovation and contribute to the development of society and economy at both national and local levels.

6. The President shall organize moral and ideological education, be responsible for the status management of the students and the implementation of their rewards and punishments, and organize the students’ admissions and promote their employment.

7. The President shall see to the safety and security of the University and to its logistic maintenance.

8. The President shall organize cooperation and exchange with other institutions at home and abroad and, authorized by law, represents the University to sign contracts with governmental and social organizations both at home and abroad and officially accept donations from society.

9. The President shall report to the CPC of the University on the implementation of major resolutions and to the FSC on his or her work, organize the adoption or rejection of proposals as regards the University’s administration, and assist in the work of the Party branches, non-Communist parties, parties for the united front, nonparty fraternities, people’s organizations and academic organizations at different levels of the University.

10. The President shall exercise other rights and perform other duties as prescribed inthe Constitution of the University and other laws and regulations.

The President’s Administrative Office Meeting is the University’s administrative meeting for making administrative decisions and policies, to be called and chaired by the President. Its constituent body consists of the Party and administrative leaders of the University, the non-voting heads of the General Affairs Office, the Discipline Supervision Commission and the Planning and Development Division. Other non-voting attendees are to be specified as occasions require. The President’s Administrative Office Meeting is not to be convened unless attended by more than half of all its members in office. For all proposed agendas and issues, the President’s final decisions should be based on extensive consultation and exchange of views with all attendees.

Article 20 All major decision-makings, appointments and dismissals of important officials, arrangements of large-scale projects, and extremely large expenditures in the University shall be decided upon under the principle of collective discussion and collective decision-making.

Article 21 Fujian Normal University Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China is the supervisory body of the Party in the University. Under the leadership of the University Party Committee and the higher-level Commissions for Discipline Inspection, Fujian Normal University Commission for Discipline Inspection shall, with the University’s central issues at its focus, check up on the implementation of the Party’s lines, principles, policies and resolutions as well as of important decisions of the University, assist the University Party Committee in improving the Party conduct and upholding integrity and in coordinating the operation of anti-corruption, and ultimately, securing and promoting the healthy and scientific development of the University in the entirety of its undertakings.

Article 22The University shall constitute a Board of Trustees as an advisory body, consisting of the following members: sponsor of the University, leaders of the University, entities that help fund the University, outstanding alumni, social celebrities, and distinguished experts outside the University. The Board of Trustees shall, in accordance with its own bylaws, engage itself in organizing consultations over key issues of the University, fundraising, and optimization of links between the University and society.

Article 23 The University’s democratic parties, united front and friendship associations of non-party personages shall carry out activities with their own respective bylaws or constitutions.

Article 24 The University’s Labor Union is a people’s organization formed by faculty and staff members of their own free will. It operates under the leadership of the University Party Committee and of its higher-level labor unions. Established under the principle of democratic centrism, the Labor Union fulfills its functions and duties in accordance with Labor Union Law of the People’s Republic of China and Constitution of the Chinese Labor Unions. The Labor Union Committee shall be elected in a democratic manner through a general assembly or representative assembly. 

Article 25 The University’s Chinese Communist Youth League Committee is a people’s organization formed by outstanding young students in the University. It operates under the leadership of the University Party Committee and of its higher-level Youth League committees. In accordance with its bylaws, it carries out its work and fulfills its functions and duties.

Article 26 The University shall, based on the principle of efficient, simple, appropriate and normative administration, enjoy its autonomy in setting up its CPC branch committees, administrative departments and offices, and other public service organizations, defining their functions and duties.

Article 27 The University shall establish a number of independent research schools (institutes, and centers) and other management and academic institutions to fulfill the tasks of talent education, scientific research, social services and international communication and cooperation.

Article 28The University-affiliated units with independent legal qualifications and other types of organizations affiliated with the University shall exercise comparatively independent management and administration as stipulated by state laws and regulations as well as rules of the University and bear corresponding legal liabilities.

Section 2Colleges

Article 29The University shall, in accordance with the needs for talent cultivation and disciplinary construction, constitute a number of colleges and make adjustments when necessary.

The College is the concrete organizing and implementing unit for talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, carrying out a self-governance policy in accordance with the University constitution.

Article 30The College shall, upon approval by the University Party Committee, set up a subordinate Party committee (General Party Branch). Its major functions and duties are as follows:

1. The Party Committee shall publicize and carry out the lines, principles and policies of the Party and various decisions of the University, and play a role in guaranteeing and overseeing their implementation.

2. The Party Committee shall discuss and decide on the unit’s key issues through the Joint Party-Administration Meeting. It shall also support the unit’s administrators and leaders in working independently and responsibly within the scope of their duties.

3. The Party Committee shall be responsible for the Party’s development in ideology, organization, work style, anti-corruption, integrity upholding and, system of Chinese socialism, providing specific guidance for its Party branches in carrying out work.

4. The Party Committee shall lead the unit in ideological and political work.

5. The Party Committee shall educate and administrate the unit’s Party members and officials.

6. The Party Committee shall exercise leadership over the FSC and such mass organizations of the College as Labor Union, Communist Youth League, Committee for the Care of the Next Generation and Students’ Union.

Article 31 The Head of the College shall be the principal executive official of the College and perform the following duties governed by and subordinated to relevant laws and regulations and the University’s constitution.

1.The Head shall organize the units student education.

2.The Head shall organize the development of academic disciplines and of teaching faculty.

3. The Head shall organize the activities of scientific research, social services and cultural inheritance and innovation.

4. The Head shall be responsible for the recruitment, management and evaluation of the faculty and staff members of the College.

5. The Head shall draw up financial budgets and take responsibility for finance and asset management of the College.

6. The Head shall organize international communication and cooperation.

7. The Head shall perform other duties prescribed by the University.

The Head shall report the work to the faculty and staff members or the FSC of the College.

Article 32The College shall adopt the Joint Party-Administration Meeting system in making major decisions. Members of Joint Party-Administration Meeting shall be composed of Secretary of the Party Committee, Head of the college, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Associate Heads of the College and Chairperson of the Labor Union. The leaders of the College’s Party and administration shall decide on personnel concerned to attend the meeting as required. The meeting shall, governed by certain procedural rules, discuss and decide on such important issues of the College as talent cultivation, scientific research, disciplinary construction, teaching faculty development, political and ideological work, and administrative management.

Article 33The College shall constitute a Professors Committee, whose members are elected or recommended from senior professional and technical personnel, to assess, in accordance with relevant bylaws, such matters as curriculum planning, disciplinary construction, teacher evaluation and appointment, academic appraisal, and pedagogical instruction.


Section 3Management of Academic Affairs

Article 34 The Academic Committee of the University, which provides scholarly consultation, inspection, evaluation and decision making, is the highest governing body of academic affairs in the University. The Academic Committee shall, constitute, in accordance with certain needs, a number of specialized sub-committees like Teaching Committee, Scientific Research Committee and Appointment Committee.

Article 35 The Academic Committee shall consist of professors of different disciplines and majors, researchers with senior professional titles and a certain proportion of young teachers. The proportion of members who are CPC or administrative officials must be less than a quarter, and the number of professors who are not CPC officials or colleges’ chief leaders should not be less than a half of the total.

Members of the Academic Committee shall be determined based on a series of procedures, including recommendation, open selection and election.

The following issues shall be reviewed or resolved by the Academic Committee before being submitted to the CPC Standing Committee of the University or the President’s Administrative Office Meeting:

1. Important plans concerning disciplinary construction, teacher development, scientific research and academic exchange and cooperation;

2. Establishment of or application for new programs;

3. Plans on the setting of academic institutions, inter-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary coordination and innovation system and of the allocation of disciplinary resources;

4. The evaluation criteria and assessment measures on academic achievements and the quality of talent education;

5. Terms and conditions for degree conferment, degree education criteria, teaching plans and the standards and methods for student admission;

6. Standards and methods for the appointment of teachers’ professional positions;

7. Academic evaluation, rules for dispute settlement and regulations of academic ethics;

8. Organizational procedures and bylaws for specialized academic committees; and

9. Other academic affairs deemed necessary to be submitted and scrutinized by the University.

The following academic affairs, which involve intellectual assessment, shall be settled by the Academic Committee or other academic organizations authorized by it:

1. Recommendation and selection of teaching and research achievements and awards;

2. Attraction and selection of high-level talents, appointment of honorary (guest) professors and recommendation of candidates for positions in important national or international academic organizations, and selection of candidates for talent cultivation;

3. Establishment of various academic or research funds, research projects and teaching and research awards; and

4. Other affairs that need academic evaluation.

The University shall inform the Academic Committee before making plans of important development programs and strategies related to academic affairs, applying for large-scale teaching and research projects and making decisions on large and important cooperation programs. The Academic Committee shall provide advisory opinions accordingly.

Colleges of the University shall set up their secondary academic committees to perform the duties entrusted by the Academic Committee of the University.

Article 36 The University shall set up a Teaching Committee, responsible for reviewing and discussing important issues related to teaching activities, a Research Committee, responsible for the consultation, reviewing, evaluation and coordination of decisions related to scientific research and an Appointment Committee, responsible for the appointment of professional staff and positions of all levels and categories. All these specialized committees perform their duties in accordance with specific bylaws examined and approved by the Academic Committee.

Article 37 The Academic Committee and its specialized committees shall be presided over by chairpersons. The Committee or committees can be convened provided that over two thirds of the members are present. Nonvoting delegates shall be approved and invited by the chairperson. Decisions shall be adopted in accordance with the majority rule. Major decisions shall be passed provided that they are approved by over two thirds of the members present.

Article 38 The University shall set up its Academic Degree Evaluation Committee to exercise powers over issues related to academic degrees, making decisions and evaluations. The Academic Degree Evaluation Committee shall perform the following major duties:

1. To evaluate and confer or revoke bachelor, master or doctoral degrees;

2. To establish, adjust, or revoke master or doctorate disciplines;

3. To examine and evaluate the construction of degree accreditation units and of degree conferment;

4. To select master and doctorate supervisors;

5. To examine and decide upon rules and regulations related to academic degrees; and

6. To discuss and handle disputes and other issues related to conferment of academic degrees.

The Academic Degree Evaluation Committee shall be constituted in accordance with state laws and regulations, and bylaws approved by the University. The Committee shall be chaired by the President of the university. Members of the Committee shall be nominated by the President of the University and approved by the President Administrative Office Meeting, and the results shall be presented to the Provincial Academic Degree Committee.

Each college shall constitute a secondary Academic Degree Committee and perform its duties as authorized by the University’s Academic Degree Evaluation Committee.

Section 4 Democratic Administration Institutions

Article 39 The FSC shall be the fundamental means for the participation of the faculty and staff in the management and oversight of the University. It shall exercise its powers in accordance with procedures stipulated under the guidance of the University Party Committee and support the President in exercising his or her powers to manage the University. The University’s Labor Union is the working body of the Faculty and Staff Congress. The University’s Labor Union shall, together with an elected executive committee, perform the duties of the Faculty and Staff Congress.

Article 40 The representatives of the FSC shall be elected by all the faculty and staff of the University. The FSC shall be chaired by the chairperson of the presidium and can be convened provided over two thirds of the FSC members are present. Elections and voting at the FSC are valid provided they are approved by over half of the representatives present. The FSC shall perform the following duties:

1. The FSC shall listen to reports on the formulation and revision of the University constitution and provide amendments and suggestions.

2. The FSC shall listen to reports on the University’s development planning, faculty and staff development, education and teaching reform, campus construction and other major reforms and solutions to major issues and provide opinions and suggestions.

3.The FSC shalllisten to theUniversity’s annual general work report, financial report,LaborUnion’s work report and other reports on specific issues,providing opinionsand suggestions.

4.The FSC shalldiscussand approvewelfare programs and internal resource allocation policies proposed by the University and directly related to the benefits of faculty andstaff.The Congress shallalso discuss andapprove policies concerning the appointments, evaluation, awards or punishments of the faculty and staff.

5.The FSC shallconstitute aStaff and Staff AppealsCommitteeto accept staff appeals and protect the staff’s legal rights and benefits.

6.The FSC shallexamine reports on the handling of proposals lodged in the last FSC.

7.The FSC shallreviewand evaluatethe performance oftheUniversity’s chief administrators based on their job responsibilities and assignments.

8.The FSC shallexpress opinions and makesuggestions on the University’s affairs, oversee the implementation of the University’s Constitution, rules, regulations and resolutions and offer suggestions for improvement.

9.The FSC shalldiscuss issues prescribed by law, statutes and regulations or those agreed on by the University and the University’s Labor Union.

10. The opinions and suggestions of the FSC shall be stated in the resolutions of theFSC.

Article 41The University shall constitute and improve the system ofsecondary FSC at its colleges. The secondary senate is subject to the leadership of the unit’s Party Committee. Directed by the University’s Labor Union and Acting Committee of the University’s FSC, it participates in the management and oversight of its respective college in accordance with duties of the FSC.

Article 42 The StudentUnion and Graduate StudentUnionshall be organizationscarrying out self-management, self-service and self-education,under the guidance of the UniversityParty Committee and the instruction of the University’s Youth League Committee. They are important means for the students to exercise democratic rights and to participate in the democratic governance of the University.The Students Assembly and the Graduate Students Assembly are to be held annually or once every two years, which can be termed legitimate provided that over two thirds of the elected representatives are present. Elections are made and resolutions are passed by votes. The Students Assembly and Graduate Students Assembly perform the following duties:

1.To review and pass the work reports of the previous committee;

2.To discuss and determine the responsibilities of the new committee;

3.To revise and approve the Student Union Charter and the Graduate Student Union Charter;

4.Toelect members of the new Student Union and of the Graduate Student Union;

5.To handle student representatives’ proposals; and

6.To handle other matters within the job responsibilities ofthe Student Assembly and the Graduate Student Assembly.

The presidium’s president and members shall bepubliclyelected bythe Student Assembly and the Graduate Student Assembly or their standing committees.

For the period between the Assembly meetings, routine activities shall be managed by the Student Union and the Graduate Student Union.

Article 43 The Universityshallencouragethe Student Assembly and the Graduate Student Assembly to pass on, by legal means, students’ suggestions, opinions and appeals, participate in the democratic governance of the University and protect the students’ legitimate rights and benefits. Hearings shall be held for major decisions related to students’ benefits, and the presidents of the Student Union and Graduate Student Union shall be invited to attend as observersthe meetings of the University’s Standing Committee of the CPC or the President’s Administrative Office Meeting.


Chapter IV Faculty and Staff


Article 44The University personnel shall consist of faculty and technical, administrative and logistic staff.

Article 45 Teachers shall be the leading force of the University. The University shall respect and care for the teachers, providing necessary conditions to guarantee their teaching and scientific research activities.

Article 46 The University’s faculty and staff shall enjoy the following rights:

1. To use public resources of the University reasonably and justly;

2. To have equal access to working opportunities and conditions for personal development;

3. To obtain fair evaluation in terms of ethics, ability, performance, etc.;

4. To have equal access to awards and honorary titles;

5. To be informed of the University’s reform, development, and important matters concerning their immediate interests;

6. To participate in administration and supervision, providing suggestions on the management of the University;

7. To express their different opinions and file appeals concerning employment and promotion, benefits and well-being, awards, penalties, and other matters; and

8. To enjoy other rights stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules of the State and the University, and employment contracts.

Article 47 The University faculty and staff shall perform the following obligations:

1. To abide by the Constitution of the State, laws and professional ethics, to be models for students, to adhere to determined ideals and beliefs and solid knowledge;

2. To protect the reputation and interests of the University and to comply with the rules and regulations of the University;

3. To work diligently, responsibly and discreetly, fulfilling teaching and scientific research tasks and those prescribed by the position concerned;

4. To respect and love students with a benevolent heart, educating the students through teaching, management and service;

5. To have noble morality, abiding by academic norms and ethics; and

6. To fulfill other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules of the State and the University, and employment contracts.

Article 48The University shall introduce the system of talents competition, designing posts and positions scientifically, improving the systems of cadres, personnel and labor.

Article 49The University shall move forward personnel reform, requiring its faculty to be certified professionally and promoted academically on the basis of their qualifications. It shall, combining post set-up with appointment and employment, assess and evaluate the performance of faculty and staff as required by post duties, and the evaluation results shall be used in a variety of appointments, promotions, awards, and penalties for the faculty and staff.

Article 49The University shall set up a Teacher Ethics Committee, normalizing teachers’ professional behavior and promoting teachers’ cultivation of noble morality.

Article 51 The University shall enhance the service and management of retired and senior comrades, taking care of their political treatment and material benefits.

Article 53The University shall practice the systems of hearing, discussion meeting and of University Leader Reception Day, soliciting opinions and suggestions from its faculty and staff.

Article 53The University shallformulate a payment system for its faculty and staff which is consistent with the developmental levels, setting up and enhancing relevant mechanisms to protect the rights of its faculty and staff. Any of the faculty or staff objecting to a certaindisciplinary treatment or punishment imposed by the University may lodge a complaint or appeal to the University’sStaff AppealsCommittee. The University shall deal with the complaint concerned according to the procedures of acceptance, factual investigation, reviewing and decision making.


Chapter V Students


Article 54Students refer to those who are enrolled in the University according to national enrollment regulations, who have obtained the entrance qualification and who have the school status.

Article 55 Students shall enjoy the following rights:

1. To have equitable access to the University’s education, to public education resources and to basic conditions for the enhancement of practice and innovation;

2. To participate in social practice by organizing and participating in student associations and recreational and sports activities inside the University;

3. To have fair access to further studies at home and abroad, academic exchanges, social services and work-study programs; and

4. To have access to fair evaluations in ideological, moral and academic achievements and the obtainment of corresponding academic certificates and degree certificates after meeting course and other requirements.

5. To apply for scholarships, grants-in-aid, hardship grants or tuition waivers according to relevant provisions of the State and of the University;

6. To participate in the democratic management of the University according to laws and familiarity with major issues concerning the reform and development of the University and the rights and interests of the students, as well as the rights to give opinions and suggestions on the University affairs; and

7. To have other rights prescribed by laws, regulations and rules.

Article 56 Students shall fulfill the following obligations:

1. To be diligent with integrative morality and discernment, honest and proactive in an all-round development and completion of studies according to the provisions of the University;

2. To comply with rules and regulations of the University and norms of student behavior;

3. To cherish and safeguard the University’s reputation and interests, and to take care of and make rational use of the University’s educational equipment and life facilities;

4. To pay tuition fees and other related expenses on time according to relevant provisions of the State and of the University;

5. To fulfill their corresponding obligations following the receipt of student loans and grants-in-aid; and

6. To abide by other obligations prescribed by laws, regulations and rules.

Article 57 The University shall see to a sound student management system, establish and improve a full education mechanism and provide service for students’ development.

Article 58 The University shall guide students in cultivating good virtues, including cherishing the life, respecting human rights, teachers and elders, being honest and law-abiding, providing mutual help, protecting nature and showing enthusiasm for public benefits.

Article 59 The University shall care for students who have difficulties in studying or living, and provide them with necessary help for their healthy growth.

Article 60 The University shall recognize and reward student groups or individuals who have made outstanding achievements and who have won honor for the University.Recognition and rewards shall take various forms, from the granting of honorary group or individual titles to the bestowing of prizes.

Article 61 Students who violate the law or discipline shall be criticized and given corresponding disciplinary actions. Students who disagree with the punishment or decision of the University may file a complaint with the University’s Student Appeals Committee within the stipulated time. Students who receive disciplinary punishments (such as probation or worse) or who deem their major rights and benefits to be infringed upon may request a hearing.

Article 62 Students may organize student associations within the University in accordance with relevant provisions and carry out activities in accordance with laws and the University’s regulations.


Chapter VI Alumni

Article 63The Alumni of the University shall refer to all that have studied, worked or received training in the University or its predecessors as well as Chinese and overseas scholars with honorary titles, including emeritus, visiting and adjunct professors.

Article 64 The University shall maintain contact with its alumni and continue to provide service and convenience for their career development and continuing education.

The University shall encourage its alumni to participate in its construction and development and award honorary titles to those with outstanding contributions.

Article 65 The University shall establish an Alumni Association, which shall carry out activities in accordance with its bylaws to provide services for the alumni as well as uniting and rallying alumni at home and abroad to support the development of the University.


Chapter VII Funds, Assets and Logistics

Article 66 The University shall raise funds through various channels to increase its financial resources in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The University’s funding shall consist of financial allocations, subsidies from higher units, undertaking revenue, operational revenue, social donations and other revenues.

Article 67The University shall adopt a financial administration system of unified leadership, centralized accounting, and decentralized administration in accordance withFinancial Regulations of Institutions of Higher Learning. The University shall insist on running the University diligently and thriftily, establishing an oversight system of a sound financial budget, internal control, economic responsibility and audit supervision, making financial information public in accordance with laws concerned to guarantee the safe operation of its funds and to improve its efficiency in the use of funds.

Article 68The University shall establish an Education Foundation to accept donations from all social sectors, enterprises, institutions and individuals. The University shall follow the principle of voluntary donation, using funds or items as designated, making accounts public for social supervision and giving full play to its efficiency in the use of funds.

Article 69 The University’s assets shall mainly come from governmental allocation, lawful revenues and donations, including fixed assets, current assets, projects under construction, intangible assets and investments. The University shall be entitled to possess, utilize and dispose its assets in accordance with relevant provisions of the State Council.

The University shall implement the state-owned assets management mechanism of unified leadership, centralized management, graded responsibility and clear responsibility management so as to strengthen the administration and optimize resource allocation.

Article 70The University shall, in accordance with state laws and regulations and relevant regulations of the University, strengthen its administration of patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, land use rights as well as its name and honors, with a view to safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests as well as its good images.

Article 71 The University shall establish a sound logistics management and service system to guarantee the normal study, work and life of its students, faculty and staff.

Article 72 The University shall strengthen its infrastructure construction and advance the informatization level on campus, aiming to build a green and modern harmonious university with strong academic and cultural atmosphere.


Chapter VIII External Relations

Article 73 The University shall handle independently its internal affairs in conformity with state laws, regulations as well as provisions of this Constitution, subject to no illegal interference by any organizations or individuals.

Article 74 The University shall initiate to accept social oversight and evaluation, to practice the system of making information public, and to release to society timely and related information about the running of the University in accordance with provisions concerned.

Article 75 The University shall make full use of various resources, providing diversified educational services, contributing to the life-long educational system and the construction of a learning society.

Article 76The University shall provide active service for economic and social development of the country and various regions, vigorously promoting the popularization of science and technology and strategic decision consultation, making every effort to become an important base for the transformation of high-quality achievements as well as for high-level consulting and social service.

Article 77 The University shall implement a legal consultant system. The legal adviser shall provide legal advice for the University and, with the commission of the University, deal with or assist in dealing with legal issues related to the University.


Chapter IX The University’s Logos

Article 78 The University Emblem shall include the University Seal and the University Badge.

The University Seal is composed of two concentric circles, with one embedded in the other. In the inner circle, the upper part is the outward appearance of the earliest “FukienNormalCollege”. The lower part is the printed number “1907”, representing the year it was first established. In the outer circle, the upper part is the name of the University, inscribed by Zhao Puchu – a distinguished social activist and calligrapher. The lower part writes “FUJIANNORMALUNIVERSITY” in English upper case.

The University Badge is a rectangle badge with the name of the University inscribed, worn by the University’s students, faculty and staff.

Article 79 The University Song is “Song of Fujian Normal University”, with words by Xia Dong and Chang Qi, and music by Zhang Shaotong.

Article 80 The University Flag is red and rectangle. The middle part writes the Chinese and English names of the University, which are of yellow color.

Article 81 The University anniversary shall be on November 17.

Article 82 The University website is www.fjnu.edu.cn.


  Chapter XSupplementary Provisions

Article 83 The division, merging and termination of the University shall be determined by Fujian Provincial People’s Government, the sponsor of the University.

Article 84 The Constitution shall be, after soliciting opinions from the University’s FSC, discussed and adopted by the President’s Administrative Office Meeting, reviewed by the Standing Committee meeting of the University’s CPC, checked and approved by Fujian Education Commission and presented to the Ministry of Education for approval.

Article 85The Constitution shall be the basic norm for the University activities. The regulations, measures and implementation details shall be formulated in accordance with the Constitution without any conflict.

Article 86 When the University’s tenets, development goals, organization and management system and other important issues are changed, the Constitution shall be revised by law. Revisions shall be checked and approved by Fujian Education Commission and presented to the Ministry of Education for approval.

Article 87 The Standing Committee meeting of the University CPC shall be responsible for providing explanations for the Constitution.

Article 88 The Constitution shall, after being checked and approved by Fujian Education Commission, take effect on the day of promulgation.